A review by Leo Rota of "The Bluest Eye" by Toni Morrison
The Bluest Eye is undoubtedly the best book I have ever read. This doesn’t mean it is my favorite book, even if that may sound contradictory. What I mean is the book is written so well, the characters are so complete and realistic, and the storyline is so emotionally provocative that I believe I have never read a better book. The book is so good that even if I made every person on the planet read all the books I have read in my entire lifetime and then asked them which of those was objectively the best book, everyone would say The Bluest Eye . Well obviously, that is an exaggeration, when reading something like a book there is no way to give a 100% objective answer with no bias. I probably have a bias as well and who knows, maybe The Bluest Eye isn’t really the best book I have ever read. Ok now that we got that complete mess of an explanation out of the way let’s talk a bit about the book itself. The Bluest Eye was written by Toni Morrison and published in 1970. The book tells...